Support After Suicide


Here you can find details of local, state-based and national LGBTQIA+ services, suicide bereavement services, lived experience support groups, podcasts, helplines and more.

Specialist LGBTQIA+ suicide bereavement resources

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available resources
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Rose in the Ocean

Roses in the Ocean

Roses in the Ocean is a lived experience of suicide organisation with resources for people bereaved by suicide. They have a PeerCare Connect warmline, where callers are connected to peers with a similar lived experience.
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S.O.S. Survivors of Suicide Bereavement Support (SOSBA)

SOSBA supports people bereaved by suicide in Queensland. SOSBA have resources, support groups and run events across Queensland.
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Sabrina’s Reach 4 Life

Sabrina’s Reach 4 Life support people bereaved by suicide in the Northern Territory through peer support, advocacy, referrals, and support groups. This includes the Bereaved by Suicide Support Group NT (BBSSGNT), a monthly, drop-in support group for people who have lost a loved one to suicide.
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SHINE SA Gender Connect

SHINE SA provide a range of relationship, sexual health and LGBTQIA+ wellbeing services including their program Gender Connect. Gender Connect offers counselling and peer support to transgender, gender diverse or gender questioning people living in country South Australia.
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Standby is a postvention program which offer support to people bereaved by suicide in the form of resources, face to face and telephone support. The Standby program supports anyone who has been bereaved or impacted by suicide at any stage in their life.
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Support After Suicide

Support After Suicide support people bereaved by suicide in Victoria. They provide free individual, couples, and family counselling, a range of support groups and have a general online community forum for people bereaved by suicide.
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