Support After Suicide


Here you can find details of local, state-based and national LGBTQIA+ services, suicide bereavement services, lived experience support groups, podcasts, helplines and more.

Specialist LGBTQIA+ suicide bereavement resources

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available resources
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Northern Territory AIDS Council (NTAHC)

NTAHC offer information, resources and wellbeing services for LGBTQIA+ people living in the Northern Territory. They offer LGBTI focused free counselling in person, and via video and phone.
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Our Directory

Our Directory

A community directory of mental health practitioners, services and programs available to Mob, Māori and BIPOC across Aotearoa and Australia.
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Postvention Australia

Postvention Australia

Postvention Australia is the national association representing suicide bereavement. Postvention Australia provide informational support to individuals affected by suicide loss and service providers.
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QLife is an anonymous, free, national peer support service for LGBTQIA+ people, their families, and communities. QLife offers telephone and webchat support from 3pm to midnight every day.
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Relationships Australia Queensland

Rainbow Counselling

Relationships Queensland’s Rainbow Counselling service offers free, specialist counselling to LGBTQIA+ Queenslanders on a range of issues, including grief and loss.
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Rainbow Door

Rainbow Door is a free specialist helpline providing information, peer support, and referral to LGBTQIA+ Victorians, their families and supporters. Rainbow Door can connect LGBTQIA+ Victorians to 8 sessions of free counselling delivered by Relationships Matter.
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