Support After Suicide


Here you can find details of local, state-based and national LGBTQIA+ services, suicide bereavement services, lived experience support groups, podcasts, helplines and more.

Specialist LGBTQIA+ suicide bereavement resources

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available resources
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ACON is a NSW based LGBTQI health promotion organisation offering a range of services including peer support groups, confidential counselling and variety of online resources.
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Anglicare WA

Active Response Bereavement Outreach (ARBOR)

ARBOR is a free service supporting people bereaved by suicide in Western Australia. Their services include short to medium term grief counselling, culturally informed counselling with an Aboriginal grief counsellor, peer support, referrals, and a range of support groups.
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Alternatives to Suicide

Alt2Su LGBTQ+ Group

Alt2Su run a weekly, online peer support group for LGBTQIA+ people who are experiencing thoughts of suicide to be heard in times of distress. Alt2Su groups are a non-clinical space to discuss suicidal thoughts without judgment, however, they are not a bereavement-specific support space.
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CHARLEE is Switchboard Victoria’s information hub for LGBTIQA+ people who have thought about suicide, and/or live with loss through suicide. CHARLEE has information about LGBTQIA+ bereavement and where to find support.
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DISCHARGED An Alternatives to Suicide Approach


Discharged run online suicide peer support groups using the Alt2Su model. As well as general groups, they have groups specifically for trans, non-binary, gender diverse and gender questioning people, run weekly by trans facilitators. Discharged groups are non-clinical space to discuss suicidal thoughts without judgment, however, they are not a bereavement-specific support space.
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Diversity ACT

Diversity ACT

Diversity ACT is a community based, registered charity, run by volunteers that provides a service hub, social worker, support networks, groups, and community resources to assist the LGBTQIA+ community of the ACT region.
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